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Dem poll enrages Dutchess GOP
Feb 04, 2019 12:30 pm
MidHudsonNews [dot] com is reporting a telephone poll being conducted by the Dutchess County Democratic Committee has outraged the Dutchess GOP chairman, Michael McCormack. The poll asks a variety of questions, including if the respondent approves of the work being done by Republican County Executive Marcus Molinaro and Democrat County Comptroller Robin Lois. The poll also makes allegations of pay-to-play and implies that the New York State Attorney General is investigating Molinaro. MidHudsonNews.com has not been able to confirm if, in fact, there is an ongoing investigation. Previously, the Dutchess County Democratic Committee filed a complaint with that county's Board of Ethics alleging wrongdoing by Molinaro. The board in December unanimously found those allegations to be unfounded and the case was dismissed. The survey also asks respondents for their opinion of three potential Democratic challengers to Molinaro. The county GOP chairman Michael McCormack said the poll is "... despicable, a lie and an utter disgrace. Voters deserve to know who's responsible and hold them accountable." Molinaro dismissed the survey saying "my experience is that voters do a really good job in sorting out the truth from lies like these." Dutchess County Democratic Chairwoman Elisa Sumner did not respond to requests for comment. Read the full story at MidHudsonNews [dot] com.