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Beals campaign fails to properly credit ActBlue donations in FEC filings
Mar 29, 2018 12:33 pm
Roger Hannigan Gilson reports at The Other Hudson Valley that while most of the contributions for Democrat Jeff Beals campaign for the 19th Congressional District seat come through the national fundraising site ActBlue, ActBlue is not listed on Beals’ Federal Election Commission (or FEC) filings. ActBlue is a website that allows people from across the country to contribute to Democrat candidates. "FEC Deputy Press Officer Christian Hilland said contributions from individuals over $200 received through a conduit are supposed to list the conduit in FEC filings," Gilson writes. But the FEC filings of the Beals campaign don't mention ActBlue. “We review our quarterly FEC filings with the help of a compliance officer,” a statement from the Beals campaign read. “If the reporting of a conduit is found to need amending by our compliance officer, we will not hesitate to do so.” In a Feb. 25 letter to the Beals campaign, the FEC listed three errors in a previous filing. Five other candidates receiving donations through ActBlue appear to properly credit the conduit, according to Gilson's review of the FEC filings. Read the full story at The Other Hudson Valley.