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Ski resorts had warm, cruel winter

Jul 02, 2016 10:11 am
Rick Karlin reports in Capitol Confidential that last year's ski season was ”historically adverse,” and the ”worst season on record,” according to a report from the agency that operates New York’s three publicly-owned ski areas. The Olympic Regional Development Authority runs the Belleayre, Gore, and Whiteface ski areas, where there was little snow and not much cold last winter. Whiteface saw the worst season ever, with 58 inches of snow instead of of the usual 100 inches, and 17 inches of rain instead of the usual five. At Belleayre in Ulster County, there was 38 inches of snow, instead of the usual 130 inches. Read the full story at Capitol Confidential.

ORDA winter 15 16 by rkarlin