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Two Ulster poll workers suing to have votes counted

Jan 01, 2013 6:14 am
Kyle Wind is reporting in the Daily Freeman two polling inspectors have sued over a judge's decision to throw their votes out in the 46th state Senate District race. Barbara Bravo and Carole Furman are appealing the decision of Acting state Supreme Court Justice Guy Tomlinson of Montgomery County to invalidate their ballots, along with those of 51 other Ulster County poll workers. Candidate Cecilia Tkaczyk’s (KAT-chik's) attorney has called mistakes that invalidated more than 300 paper ballots cast in the race, including the absentee ballots for the poll workers, “hyper-technical.” Most of the poll workers were registered Democrats. On Dec. 18, Tomlinson certified Republican George Amedore the winner of the race over Democrat Tkaczyk by a margin of 37 votes. Tkaczyk has appealed Tomlinson's decision. The case is scheduled to be argued Mon., Jan. 7, in Albany. Furman said she found it ironic that she spent election day making sure other people correctly filed their ballots so they counted, then hers did not. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.