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Deer with Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease found in most local counties
William J. Kemble reports in the Daily Freeman that a lethal bug-transmitted deer disease has been found in Ulster, Dutchess, Greene, Columbia, Nassau, Oswego, and Suffolk counties. There are also suspected cases in Albany, Rensselaer, and six other counties. Deer catch Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease from midge bites. “The disease is not spread from deer to deer and humans cannot be infected by deer or bites from midges,” Five dead deer were found late last week at Oakdale Lake in Hudson. “Folks with ponds are experiencing regular finds of carcasses,” Town of Saugerties Supervisor Fred Costello said earlier this week. “Animals that are suffering the illness become very thirsty. They seek out bodies of water, and they die a short time later.” The first hard frost should kill the midges, and eliminate the disease for the season. Until then, though, expect more dead deer locally. a href="https://www.dailyfreeman.com/2021/09/16/state-confirms-700-dead-deer-from-disease-with-confirmed-cases-in-ulster-dutchess-greene-columbia-and-three-other-counties/">Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.