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Copake group wants appeal from ZBA
Sep 24, 2019 12:50 am
On Sept. 26, the Save Craryville activist group says it will present its appeal against the Copake Zoning Board of Appeals at that board's September meeting. The group's main argument is against Code Enforcement Officer Lee Heim’s July 1, 2019 determination that GRJH’s Special Use Permit for its proposed gas station had not expired. Save Craryville also believes the ZBA should rescind its Negative Declaration pursuant to SEQRA. GRJH wants to put a gas station and convenience store on a 1.7-acre parcel at the intersection of Route 7 and Route 23. Currently, the public comment period on the project is still open before the Copake Planning Board, with the next meeting Oct. 3. The Copake Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 7 p.m. Sept. 26 at Copake Town Hall.