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Berkshire County asking about public ride-sharing
Danny Jin reports in The Berkshire Eagle that Berkshire County residents are being asked to fill out a survey about whether they would use an on-demand ride-sharing service if it were reasonably priced and publicly operated. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is working with Tate Coleman, who chairs the Great Barrington Regional Transportation Advisory Committee, about new transportation options in the western Massachusetts county. “These are not exactly the same but similar to a shared-ride Uber or Lyft service, but the idea is it would be a lot more affordable, more convenient and more flexible,” Coleman said. Berkshire County currently has some bus service. The survey questions ask if Berkshire residents would pay $0, $1.55, $3 or $5 for a one-way trip across two towns or fewer, and if they would pay $0, $4, $8 or $10 for a one-way trip across three or more towns. So far, 2,000 people have filled out the survey at berkshiretransitsurvey.com, which is available through late January. “This is most certainly still in the relatively early planning stages,” Coleman said. “We’re not exactly sure what a pilot would look like at this point, and that’s why we’re collecting the data.” Read more about this story in The Berkshire Eagle.