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New minimum wage for fast-food workers considered
May 15, 2015 12:02 am
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced May 14 a tentative schedule for the Fast Food Wage Board to consider an increase in the minimum wage in the fast food industry. The Wage Board will hold four public hearings including one in Albany. “The minimum wage is supposed to be a wage that allows people who work full time to earn a decent living and provide for their family – but for too many fast-food workers, that is simply not the case,” Cuomo said in a press release. “We must raise the minimum wage to restore that promise of opportunity and help people across the state move beyond poverty. With this Wage Board, New York is stepping up for fast food workers, and we are going to challenge every state in the nation to follow our lead in doing what is right and what is fair.” The Wage Board will tentatively hold a public hearing in Albany the week of June 22. Public comments may be emailed to wageboard@labor.ny.gov or mailed to:
New York State Department of Labor
ATTN: Wage Board
Bldg 12, Room 586
Harriman State Office Campus
Albany, NY 12240
New York State Department of Labor
ATTN: Wage Board
Bldg 12, Room 586
Harriman State Office Campus
Albany, NY 12240