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Flanagan backs DeFrancisco for governor

Feb 13, 2018 3:15 pm
Casey Seiler reports in Capitol Confidential State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan “enthusiastically” endorsed Sen. John DeFrancisco for governor Feb. 13, as Republicans appear to be choosing him to take on Gov. Andrew Cuomo in November. Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb dropped out of the race Feb. 9, leaving just Joel Giambra, a lobbyist and former Erie County executive, and very much a Republican outsider, left in the primary election. “John DeFrancisco is a strong, smart and principled leader for New York, and I am confident he possesses the character and the skill set to be an outstanding Governor. I am pleased and proud to endorse his candidacy, and urge my fellow Republicans to organize and energize behind him,” Flanagan said in a statement. Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.