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Chatham to limit activities in Crellin Park for the time being
May 27, 2020 2:15 pm
Emilia Teasdale is reporting for The Columbia Paper the Chatham Town Board May 21 discussed activities at Crellin Park during its monthly meeting, conducted online via the Google meeting platform. Supervisor Donal Collins later released a statement identifying permissible activities at Crellin Park including tennis, walking, fishing and working in the community garden. The specified activities are “permitted as long as social distancing is maintained, with masks being worn when distancing measures cannot be met,” according to the statement. The board has also decided that the skateboard park, playing fields, basketball court, playground equipment, swimming area and any other area not specifically listed as open, will remain closed for the time being. The board decided to prohibit swimming in the Crellin Park pond since the pond does not usually open until late June. Officials are still waiting to decide if the town will hire lifeguards this year. The board previously decided to cancel the summer day camp recreation program for children. Collins said he is forming a general reopening committee that would look at the park, town hall and town court, and he is looking for input from the community. Collins said the committee would be looking at every part of town life. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.