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Duck-feeding no longer allowed in Ravena
Melanie Lekocevic is reporting for Capital Region Independent Media the Ravena Village board last week voted unanimously to approve a new law to prohibit the feeding of wildlife, including waterfowl. Over the summer property owners in the village complained that some residents were feeding waterfowl, which resulted in large numbers of the animals flocking to the area. Especially ducks, which were causing property damage and creating a public health nuisance, village.officials said. The village board held a public hearing on the new law in August. Unanimously adopted at the board's September 21 meeting, the measure outlaws the feeding of wildlife within the village and applies to all wildlife, including waterfowl, with the exception of songbirds,. Residents who want to continue feeding songbirds must use bird feeders that follow certain requirements to ensure the food does not attract ducks or other waterfowl. Local police officers, sheriff’s deputies, or law enforcement officials from the Department of Environmental Conservation or the Department of Parks and Recreation are empowered to issue an appearance ticket for those who violate the law. The law is effective immediately after it is filed with the New York Department of State. Read more in The Ravena News-Herald.