WGXC-90.7 FM

Recording of Cairo Open Mic
Jun 02, 2010 6:47 pm
[caption id="attachment_1642" align="alignright" width="112" caption="Claude Haton and Harry Gottlieb at the Cairo Open Mic, May 28, 2010 at Gallagher\'s."]
[/caption]WGXC's Debra Kamecke recorded the Cairo Open Mic, sponsored by WGXC and Cairo Library, as the monthly event finished its seasonal run inside Gallagher's on Main St. last Friday (it moves to Cairo town park Fri. June 18), with performances from acapella singing group The Cats, poet Tony Fallon, and guitarist Mike Ryan among the performances. This recording got cut off at the end, so the performance of Claude Haton and Harry Gottlieb (pictured) is not included. Click here to listen to an mp3 recording or paste the following url into your computer's media player:
