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Catskill supervisor 'on board' with cannabis sales
Sam Raudins reports for Columbia-Greene Media that Catskill Town Supervisor Dale Finch indicated support for cannabis sales there, though he did not rule out holding a board vote opting out getting the tax revenue that comes with a retail store in town. He said he was “on board” with allowing sales in Catskill, but did not say if he wanted to opt-out of lounges where cannabis could be consumed. New York legalized cannabis use in April, but it will be at least until next year before sales will begin. Towns and villages have until Dec. 31 to opt-out of allowing retail sales or consumption sites. Cannabis is legal everywhere now in New York, and municipalities cannot opt-out of legalization. Finch, a Republican, held a forum Nov. 17 to gauge local opinions on the issue, which were largely positive. Lester Ostoyic said he did not want to drive to Great Barrington, Massachusetts, or Hudson, to spend his money. “I think that there’s a real growth opportunity on a broad scale for the town, if it gets in on the ground floor of this sort of thing,” he said. An unidentified Catskill resident also favored allowing lounges. “For those that are like ‘nay on the cafes,’ just think of all the bars that are in our town, all the liquor stores that are in our town. There’s more liquor stores than there are parks for kids, right? There’ll be way more trouble or danger coming out of a bar than there would ever be coming out of a cafe,” she said. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.