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Culvert replacement in Claverack shuts down road
Jammel Cutler reports for Columbia-Greene Media that construction began on a section of Fish and Game Club Road July 5, and continues through Aug. 4 with the road closed to traffic. A culvert is being replaced just to the west of Tishauser Road in Claverack. To get around the Columbia County construction, drivers are detoured onto state Route 217, state Route 23, and state Route 9H. Columbia County Public Works Commissioner Ray Jurkowski said, “Previously, there’s an existing water course that goes underneath the roadway that was carried under the road by three service culvert pipes, and those pipes were slightly undersized, but also they were problematic and prone to clogging and cleaning out periodically.... The work that is taking place because of the closure is replacing those three pipes with a larger precast concrete box culvert. It’s a larger structure.” Jurkowski notes that climate change is causing larger storms locally, so the larger culvert is needed. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.