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Church group bringing 80 refugees to Poughkeepsie

Nov 12, 2016 12:04 am
Geoffrey Wilson reports in The Poughkeepsie Journal that the Church World Services Network is opening a refugee resettlement office in advance of refugees being settled in the area. The group held a community meeting Nov. 10 at the Christ Episcopal Church, as they plan to bring 80 refugees from Congo, Syria, and Iraq to Poughkeepsie. "This isn't a faucet you can turn on and people just start flowing in," Sarah Krause, senior director for programs for CWS, said. "Refugees are the most vetted of anyone trying to enter the United States." Refugees take out no-interest loans to cover travel expenses, and must pay the loan back. Krause said 85 percent of new arrivals are employed and "self-sufficient within 180 days." Read the full story in The Poughkeepsie Journal.