WGXC-90.7 FM

Vital Weekly: Alessandra Rombola, Abdul Shirzai, Francisco López

May 15, 2023: 2pm - 3pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Standing Wave Radio

wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm

Assembled by Vital Weekly email magazine.

Tracklist for Vital Weekly 1385:
0000 Tune
0014 Millins Of Dead Tourists - Healthy
0324 Bruno Duplant & David Vélez - Des-Illusions Part II
0635 David Lee Myers - Soft Plastic Packets
0943 Ingar Zach - Cicchitaredu
1254 Loud As Giants - Estranged
1603 David Lee Myers - Rock Paper Scissors
1912 Francisco López - Dynamo - Iteration 2
2221 Jan Van Angelopoulos & Fotis Siotas - Starlight Raga
2540 Elka Bong
2851 Giulia Rae - Nocturnal Drift
3200 QNDFK - Mobile Systems
3510 Habeam Corpus
3818 Politacito - El Nacimiento De Los Orangutanes Part 2
4127 Brigan - Gira
4438 L'Eclipse Nue - Night Drive
4757 Alessandra Rombola - The Ring
5107 Peace & Love - RSVP Your Place In Heaven
5417 Abdul Shirzai - Elevator Dreams
5727 Brume
6035 Cold Storage - Sepulcros De Sal
6346 John Duncan & Black Leather Jesus - Shivering
6656 +DOG+ - Lakes
7005 Dying In Space - 002
7316 Threes & Will & Huerequeque - Blood River Sport
7626 Tune

Excerpts from the best new experimental music in the world. "Vital Weekly" is an e-mail magazine, which appears 48 times a year and has the latest CD reviews, and news on concerts and festivals. To subscribe go here: http://www.vitalweekly.net/intro.html

Vital started in 1987 as magazine on paper. With a simple xeroxed form to ensure a free copyright, and everybody was encouraged to make copies and distribute them freely. Up until 1995 44 issues were made and with the arrival of the Internet, Vital changed into a pure review newsletter and since then it appears weekly. Still as a free service and still without copyright. In the future we hope to get the old paper issues online too. "Vital Weekly" also makes a audio podcast each week excerpting the works being reviewed.

  • Starlight Raga / Jan van de Engel
  • Gira / Brigan
  • The Ring / Alessandra Rombolá