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AG issues guidance on voter intimidation

Oct 23, 2020 2:30 pm
As early voting begins Oct. 24 in New York, and ballot counting starts Nov. 3, Attorney General Letitia James issued guidance to Board of Election offices and law enforcement entities throughout the state about voter intimidation. “All New Yorkers must be able to exercise their fundamental right to vote without coercion or intimidation,” said James. “While voting in New York is safe and secure, I urge anyone who encounters barriers or issues to contact my office immediately. The guidance we are issuing outlines basic protections for voters and serves as a warning that will we not allow anyone to hamper people's access to voting, period.” Citizens can report any election incidents at the Election Protection Hotline by calling 1-800-771-7755 or by emailing election.hotline@ag.ny.gov. Anyone should report:
• Individuals or groups patrolling outside of polling places and trying to scare people out of the voting line;
• Poll watchers inside a polling place aggressively challenging large groups of voters, leading to long lines, and creating false fears that voters may be illegally voting;
• Poll watchers standing in the vicinity of privacy booths, standing in unauthorized areas, videotaping and/or photographing voters within the polling place, following or harassing voters in the polling place;
• Individuals spreading false rumors or making false statements that there are negative consequences to voting;
• Individuals or groups displaying weapons or foreign military uniforms or other military paraphernalia outside of polling locations.