Kyle Adams writes in The Daily Mail the Public Safety Committee of the Greene County Legislature has agreed to cover $40,000 of $82,000 in workers’ compensation costs unexpectedly imposed on the Greene County Paramedics this year. The county's share of the costs will come from the contingency fund. Cuts to the paramedics' budget will allow the group to cover its portion of the costs. Greene County Administrator Shaun Groden said this is the first time this year the contingency fund has been used. The county and the paramedics wanted to avoid passing the increased costs down to the towns. The Greene County Paramedics provides advanced life support services in every town in the county except Halcott, billing each town by call volume at the end of the year. The majority of calls come from Catskill, Coxsackie and Cairo. The agreement will now go to the Finance Committee, then on to the full legislature for final approval, Aug. 21.
Read the full story in The Daily Mail.