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Mobile sports betting brings New York $727.4 million
Connor Smith reports for New York State of Politics that New York took in $727.4 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year from mobile sports betting, according to state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. But the year before there was also a 26 percent increase in problem gambling-related calls to the Office of the Addiction Services and Supports. DiNapoli said, “Gaming has significantly expanded in the state in the last several years.... With the ease and 24/7 availability of mobile betting apps, problem gambling and addiction are poised to increase.” Mobile sports betting revenue has come in much higher than the state’s projections, with $357 million expected, but $727.4 million actually coming in. But the mobile sports betting has hurt casinos, where bettors used to have to go, with the Rivers Casino and Resort in Schenectady making $2.9 million less revenue last year. Read more about this story at New York State of Politics,