WGXC-90.7 FM
Hi-Way Drive-In reopens Friday
May 21, 2020 6:16 am
Phase one of the state's reopening plan began May 20 in Albany, Rensselaer, Greene, and Columbia counties, and all sorts of businesses locally are getting ready to resume operations. The Hi-Way Drive In in Coxsackie is showing movies again May 22, with some regulations. Patrons must remain six-feet apart with masks on when using the rest rooms or visiting the snack bar, and are asked to only come one at a time. Staff will be wearing gloves and masks. The marijuana dispensaries in Western Massachusetts are also opening curbside sales to recreational customers May 25. Not all business is back open, though, and many have been closed for a long time. Greene County is estimating it will lose $1.4 million in sales tax, or 4.3 percent in a best-case scenario. The worst scenario for Greene County is a $4.4 million loss, or 13.4 percent of its potential sales tax. Columbia County estimates losing $1.5 million, or 3.6 percent of sales taxes. But Columbia County could lose nearly 11 percent, or $4.7 million in the worst-case scenario. On May 18 Greene County Legislator Michael Bulich, a Republican from Catskill, was the only member of the county's Finance Committee to vote against a resolution calling for Congress to provide all counties with direct unrestricted federal aid, distributed based upon population on May 18. “We are going to put chains around our kids and grandkids to have to pay this back,” he said. “Federal money is just borrowed money.” Greene County reported two more cases May 20, up to 252. Columbia County reported one less COVID-19 case on May 20, to 353, but one more death, to 29.