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Gibson, Schreibman hold second debate
Oct 19, 2012 8:08 am
Danielle Sanzone reports in the Daily Freeman on the debate between incumbent U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson, Republican of Kinderhook, and his Democratic challenger, Julian Schreibman of Stone Ridge, at the studios of WMHT-TV in Troy. The two aired their similarities, but mainly argued about their differences, perpetuating the turbulent campaigning seen from both candidates. Schreibman repeatedly brought up controversial abortion and Medicare bills that Gibson had voted on, Gibson challenged his opponent on multiple topics as well. Gibson repeatedly asked Schreibman to give a summary of his budget plan. The 19th Congressional District includes portions of Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Dutchess, Ulster and Montgomery counties. The third, and final debate between the two candidates take place at SUNY Oneonta next week. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.
Play excerpt (courtesy the Daily Freeman) (1:39)
Play excerpt (courtesy the Daily Freeman) (1:39)