WGXC-90.7 FM

Hudson Common Council votes against one-person, one-vote proposal
Jul 22, 2016 12:05 am
At the July 19 Hudson Common Council meeting (recorded and uploaded on YouTube by Dan Udell) the board voted against a proposal to switch Hudson to a representative one-person, one-vote system, instead of the byzantine way votes in the chamber are currently cast. The vote not to vote on the proposal, for instance, was Aye 550 ayes, Nay 1303 nays and 95 "abstains." If the vote would have held under the proposed rules it would have been six-to-four with one abstention. Third Ward representative John Friedman said the vote was irrelevant, as the group behind the proposal, Fair & Equal, will get it on the ballot in November. Friedman said the petitions for the proposal already have more than enough signatures to pass the proposal in an election. The council members voting against the proposal consistently cited not wanting to change ward boundaries as their reason for voting against one-person, one-vote.
Click here on the WGXC Newsroom to play or download the section of the meeting about this proposal.