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New Baltimore to get new highway welcome center across from old one
Mar 13, 2018 1:34 pm
Brian Nearing reports in the Albany Times Union that federal transportation officials will allow a new Capital Region "welcome center" off the state Thruway in Greene County, and that it did not violate federal law aimed at limiting commercial activity along interstate highways because the New Baltimore travel plaza opened in 1957. That was three years before a federal law that does not allow commercial uses of travel plazas. "We concur with your opinion that the proposed upgrading and modernization of the existing facility is consistent with Federal law," wrote Peter Osborn, a divisional administrator with the Federal Highway Administration. "The proposed improvements are within the footprint of the original 40-acre site and the services provided at the location will be essentially the same." The Thruway Authority will build a 10,000-square-foot welcome center on the east side of I-87, across from the travel plaza. It will include a TasteNY shop, selling state-produced food and beverages. The story does not say when the new center might open. Read the full story in the Albany Times Union.