Els van Riel and Chiyoko Szlavnics

Dec 10, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
Experimental Intermedia

224 Centre Street at Grand, Third Floor | NYC, NY

"neural activity" - Van Riel (live video) and Szlavnics (sound) work with minute details of perception through a simultaneity of microscopic views through the lens (projected light) and soundwaves (beating frequencies) - both senses are acutely heightened; their work produces a conflict of neural activity as both receptive areas of rays, cones, and the basilar membrane and earDRUM send copious amounts of information to the reacting messengers of the brain - the result is heightened neural activity; unintentional associations are provoked by recognizable material, but abstraction immediately challenges the legitimacy of same associations; an additional level of activity ensues: the activity of thought and the abandonment of thought, as expectation gives way to experience - live video projection; sine tones & Pauline Kim, solo violin - "homage to james tenney."