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Faso, Delgado debate backgrounds
Oct 22, 2018 12:14 am
Joseph Spector reports in the Poughkeepsie Journal that incumbent Republican John Faso and Democrat Antonio Delgado held their first of four debates Fri., Oct. 19. The debate, from the WMHT television studio in East Greenbush, opened with Faso drawing contrasts. "It’s a choice between two candidates: One believes in the role of government and would expand the role of government versus a candidate who trusts the private sector, the free-enterprise system and recognizes there’s a role for government, but not an overwhelming, dominating role." Delgado answered back, "What we need are fresh faces, fresh voices with diverse backgrounds who understand the value of opportunity, who understand the value of public school education." Their backgrounds in Schenectady (Delgado) and Long Island (Faso) were discussed, as well as Delgado's recent move to Rhineback, and Faso's longer stay in Kinderhook. The focus of race in the national Republican group's ads that are running in favor of Faso were discussed too. "I think the ads are deeply unfortunate, and they speak to a climate right now that is divisive and ugly. And we can do better," Delgado said. Faso did back off some from the message of the ads. "I do regret the notion that somehow these ads were mine, because they are not," Faso said. "And I’ll tell you this: I reject the support of anyone who would vote for me because of Mr. Delgado’s race." Read the full story in the Poughkeepsie Journal.