WGXC-90.7 FM

Snackpoint Charlie: 20240224
Feb 24, 2024: 3am - 5am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Jeff Economy.
Music from elsewhere and beyond, broadcast live from a secret location deep in the Catskills. New and old international obscurities and hits, ethnomusicological field recordings and abstract experiments, shortwave interjections and spoken interludes, imaginary soundtracks to unmade foreign films. Playlists for all shows shows at snackpointcharlie.net
- Abuthiyya / Salim Daoud
- Mam Lalo / Salar Salman
- هلا يا نور عينى / ساجدة عبيد
- انت العندي / صلاح عبد الغفور
- دمعه غريبة / Farag Wahhab
- Murabba´ / Maidah Nazhat
- Qussat El Fajar / Seta Hagopian
- Watad / Khodeir Hady
- هي تعيل / سعدون جابر
- سلامات / حميد منصور
- حبينا ضى القمر / فؤاد سالم
- Khon Eli / Juliana Jendo
- ضحكته بعيونه / كاظم الساهر
- Iraqi Prestige المعزوفة (Digital Master) / Babylon Trio ثلاثي بابل
- Ala Fekra / Ali Issawi
- Why Are You Away / Farida
- Hali Bihi Yahlou / Naseer Shamma
- Talaa min beit abouha / Nazim Al Ghazali
- Abn Shughel / Rabab
- Enta Hmaid / Diyaa Al Saghir