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Molinaro not ruling out future run for higher office

Jan 13, 2020 1:45 pm
MidHudsonNews [dot] com is reporting Republican Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro is not ruling out a future run for higher office. In 2018, he challenged Democrat Andrew Cuomo for governor and lost. Molinaro said January 3, he will not run for Congress in 2020, saying he plans to serve out his third term as county executive and will not challenge first-term Congressman Antonio Delgado for the 19th Congressional District seat. But last week, in responding to Cuomo's state-of-the-state address, he issued a press release on his campaign letterhead instead of Dutchess County's. “I have lived by, and believe it, if you do your job well, they will consider you for a promotion and perhaps someday they will consider me yet again. I am not ruling anything out in the future,” he told Mid-Hudson News. Molinaro started his political career at age 19 in the village of Tivoli, later became a county legislator and state assemblymember before running for county executive. Read the full story at MidHudsonNews [dot] com.