WGXC-90.7 FM

Knox meetings not smooth

Feb 22, 2017 12:10 am
Melissa Hale-Spencer reports in The Altamont Enterprise that in Knox, it seems decorum is sometimes lacking at town meetings. Supervisor Vasilios Lefkaditis consistently gets voted down four-to-one on controversial issues, she reports. On individual issues, things can seem odd. At the December meeting of the Albany County town Lefkaditis opposed adding an electrical vehicle charging station in Knox, claiming most townspeople would say, “Screw this; put in a gas pump, overwhelmingly.” Councilwoman Amy Pokorny persisted though, and the town got a $11,835 DEC grant to install chargers for electric cars. But at the Feb. 14 board meeting, she could not get a second for her motion to accept the grant money. Then some of the 30 or so citizens in the gallery shouted complaints at Pokorny without anyone on the board calling for order. Read the full story in The Altamont Enterprise.