WGXC-90.7 FM

DEC extends hydro-fracking commenting
Dec 02, 2011 4:23 pm
Video taken by Sullivan County radio producer and anti-drilling activist Sabrina Artel at the DEC's public hearing on gas drilling in Binghamton, November 17, 2011.
Lissa Harris of The Watershed Post reports that NY State Department of Environmental Conservation has extended the deadline for public comment on the state's current draft of fracking regulations. The original deadline was December 12, 2011. Members of the public will now have an additional 30 days to comment, through January 11, 2012. The DEC is taking comments via electronic submission through their website, which also hosts the full text (over 1500 pages) of the Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement that spells out the DEC's proposed regulations. Read the full story in The Watershed Post.