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Radio News: Apple announces cloud encryption

Jan 08, 2023 11:40 pm

Tim Cushing reports in TechDirt that Apple is now offering users the option to fully encrypt data stored in its cloud service. Previously, when law enforcement could not access information on a cell phone, they could get around that in some situations by accessing what that locked cell phone had uploaded to the cloud. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was not happy about that announcement, as they would prefer a compromised encryption that only law enforcement can utilize, that does not exist. If one creates a gate for law enforcement to get in, then hackers can use that too. Interestingly, the FBI was the only law enforcement with a statement against iCloud encryption. Cushing writes that the FBI, "has spent much of the past half-decade lying about the extent of the problem encryption poses to investigators and insinuating that a solution could be had if only the people smart enough to make it happen would stop playing dumb." Still, Apple made a concession to the FBI, not giving managed Apple IDs and child accounts the option to fully encrypt data. But that might be against the law in the United Kingdom and California. When that gets sorted out it may be that child accounts are required to be fully encrypted, against the FBI's wishes. And, finally, another party that is very much against allowing encryption on phones that would prevent governments from spying on constituents, is the Chinese government. They surely won't like Apple's announcement, as it said the encryption "will eventually be offered in China," which seems unlikely. But even if Chinese citizens won't have encrypted data, it appears residents of the United States will. Read the full story in TechDirt.