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Dutchess lawmakers looking at independent reapportionment, pass animal welfare laws
Aug 13, 2019 12:45 pm
MidHudsonNews [dot] com is reporting the Dutchess County Legislature will consider an independent reapportionment amendment to the county charter next month. To take effect, the measure must be approved by a public referendum during the 2020 general election. The Independent Ethics and Reapportionment Committee issued a report detailing a process and guidelines they believed should be adopted, and Republican and Democratic leadership met and worked out a plan. Legislature Chairman Gregg Pulver said, “... This is an important step for better government. I am looking forward to obtaining complete support from the legislature.” In other business, as expected, lawmakers on August 12, adopted a countywide animal abuse registry and a local law restricting the tethering of animals, particularly in adverse conditions. The Animal Abuse Registry will require anyone who has been convicted of certain animal abuse crimes be barred from owning or living with an animal for 15 years. They will also be required to register with the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone handing over or selling an animal will be required check the registry to see if the person adopting that animal is listed. The tethering regulations will create certain restrictions for when and how a dog can be tied up outside of a person’s home. The law makes it necessary to have appropriate shelter if an animal is left outside for more than two hours in a row. Both measures were adopted unanimously by the full legislature. Read both stories at MidHudsonNews [dot] com.