WGXC-90.7 FM

Saturday Afternoon Show: DinahBird and Jean-Philippe
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm
Hosted by Tom Roe.
"Tuning the World" is a series of outdoor broadcasts, an active approach to field recording and listening where live sonic drones are transmitted back into the soundscape. Performed outdoors, Jean-Philippe will play his shruti box, a Northern Indian portable instrument, cousin to the harmonium, while Dinah “actively” records the process, moving back and forth between the environmental sounds such as water, wind and birds, and the transmitted sound. Dinah will also create a feedback loop of single notes and tuneless human hums, inspired by the local electromagnetic environment using Wave Farm's site-specific 1620-AM transmitter.
Inspired by the ideas and methods of R Murray Schafer, his theories on soundscape, and his concept of "wilderness radio," where the “uneventful events of the natural soundscape transmitted without editing into the hearts of cities” (Radical Radio -1987) as well as Pauline Oliveros’ practice of Deep Listening, DinahBird and Jean-Philippe have developed their own "active" listening and recording posture in order to play with the surrounding natural landscape, softly and quietly, and at varying distances from the microphones that document their actions.
This show is similar to the weekday "WGXC Afternoon Show," but focused on transmission art. Saturday afternoons on WGXC feature Wave Farm Artists-in-Residence, and special guests, who are interviewed on-air, present past and future projects, as well as perform live. For more information on the Wave Farm Residency Program, visit transmissionarts.org/residencies.