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Write-in candidates line up for Catskill board of education race
May 20, 2019 1:15 pm
The statewide school budget vote and board election is Tue., May 21. In the Catskill Central School District, there are four open seats and only one candidate successfully collected the required number of signatures to make the ballot. Allan A. Couser III, of Grace Court in Catskill, is a graduate of Coxsackie-Athens Central School, and a life-long resident of Athens and Catskill. He was an employee of the Catskill district for 24 years, and recently served as a member of the 2018 capital improvements task force. As a member of the board, Couser said, "I am willing to work with others for stronger educational values." Open seats may also be filled by write-in candidates. Late May 19, district residents Scott Petito and Robert Tomlinson circulated an email appeal for votes. The duo wrote, "We welcome the opportunity to serve our community and look forward to emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded education that incorporates creativity and validates the vitality of one’s imagination." The Catskill Teachers Association has endorsed an additional four write-in candidates: Zebulun Haggerty, Patti Dushane, Andrew Varone and Ryan Osswald. The announcement was made on the CTA Facebook page. Three of the four open seats carry three-year terms; the fourth is a one-year term to fill the remainder of an unexpired vacant seat. Polls are open 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday, in the Catskill High School gym.