WGXC-90.7 FM

Cairo-Durham Board of Education Candidate Forum
15 Railroad Ave | Cairo, NY | (518) 622-9864
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
All candidates running for three available positions on the Board of Education for the Cairo-Durham Central School District, have been invited to participate in this public Candidate Forum sponsored by the Mid Hudson League of Women Voters and WGXC 90.7-FM. Candidates will introduce themselves to the public and take questions from the audience in a 90-minute, moderated format. The standard League of Women Voters rules for candidate forums will be followed.
2013 Invited Candidates:
Dennis Burke
Peter Byrne
Beatrice Clappin (I)
Greg Koerner-Fox (I)
Gary Warner
This event will be broadcast live on WGXC 90.7-FM, and streamed online at wgxc.org.
Candidates Forum Format
Lots will be drawn to determine the order of the speakers.
I. Welcome/Comments
II. Introduction of Candidates, Moderator and Timekeeper.
The Moderator will go over the rules.
III. Opening Statements
Candidates are allowed three minutes each for opening remarks.
IV. Questions from Audience
Each candidate will be permitted a two minute response to every question. Questions will be written on index cards and read by the Moderator, with the candidates answering in succeeding order. If time allows, (an unlikely event) verbal questions will be taken.
V. Closing Statements
Each candidate will have three minutes for closing statements.