Giant Ear))) webradio: Inside/Out NYC (AD036)
Giant Ear))) was a weekly radio program produced by The New York Society for Acoustic Ecology (NYSAE) and presented Sundays at 7 p.m. on free103point9 Online Radio. The show featured field recordings, interviews, and compositions by sound artists and anyone who could get their hands on a recording device. This Dispatch Release, Inside/Out NYC, presents New York City sound works culled from approximently two years of Giant Ear))) shows.
NYSAE is a membership organization that advocates listening and promotes public dialog about the urban sound environment. Members Andrea Callard, Jonny Farrow, Edmund Mooney, Andrea Polli, and Andrea Williams produced this CD. Marc Foxman, David Watson, Michelle Nagai, Ben Owen, and Geoff Dugan also contribute works.
Inside/Out NYC track listing
1. Yellow Medallion Tapes - Mark Foxman: NYC on a day job as a taxi driver in the ‘80s. Excerpt 1: 2:12
2. Triple Decker Diner - Edmund Mooney: A stealth recording with binaurals that looked like hearing apparatus -- I edited out the sounds of my bagel and coffee. 4:23
3. Dog Drinking - Edmund Mooney: At the McCarren Park Dog Run, a communal bowl of water allows the dogs to share saliva. Their mouths are cleaner than ours, supposedly. 1:23
4. Whole Foods Cooler - Geoff Dugan: A non-place, a niche in the everyday where my desperation struggles with a veneer of confidence. 2:49
5. Four Sonographies of Greenpoint - Michelle Nagai: From a suite of two-channel sound ompositions inspired by a live performance in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on 3/29/2003. 3:05
6. Bells - Ben Owen: 8/28/2004 Ringing for Healing: In memory of those who died on 9/11/2001 and during subsequent US Military action. 4:20
7. Korean Exorcism - Andrea Williams: I videotaped a 2004 Republican National Convention protest. The crowd formed a circle for a musician chanting around a dancer flourishing a white silk sash. Excerpt: 4:03
8. Handball Court - Edmund Mooney: Recorded in McCarren Park on a summer day very close to the wall from the side of the court. 4:53
9. Dinosaurs - Jonny Farrow: This piece confronts constructed “nature” recordings through the juxtaposition of a Brooklyn cat, sparrows, and field recordings from Nags Head, NC. 5:19
10. SSSeaport/The Peking Squeak - Jonny Farrow: Listening to the merchant ship Peking I imagined the history of slave ships sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to markets near the South Street Seaport. Excerpt: 4:26
11. Slapp Happy - Andrea Callard and David Watson: We installed 11 steel and plastic pipes over the East River. The sound changed with the winds and tides. Rubber flip-flops gave people a way to play. 7/2007 6:17
12. Chinatown New Year - Jeremy Slater: Recorded during the 2004 Chinese New Year in New York near Canal Street and Center Street with a digital 8 handycam. 1:15
13. Backing Up Truck With Pigeons - Edmund Mooney: We know it: a truck backing up in all its glory. Who’s idea was that rhythmic beeping thing anyway? Can we find them and terrorize them? 1:23