Tarikh Korula
Tarikh Korula is a technologist and entrepreneur based in New York.
In 2005, Tarikh Founded Uncommon Projects, a New York based hardware and software design studio. It’s latest product offering is Marco a mobile app that uses SMS to privately share maps and Steps - portable instructions. Uncommon’s work has included product development and R&D for Hopelab, Yahoo!, the Museum of American Finance and Panasonic.
Uncommon Projects was a winner at Yahoo’s first open Hack Day and korula has since helped organize several hack events including the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathons.
Korula has spoken on hardware and software prototyping at the Web 2.0 conference, Maker Faire, Jelly Talks and Etech. He has guest lectured on design/prototyping at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), SVA’s MFA in Interaction Design program (IxD) and the Parsons Design Technology Program.
Prior to founding Uncommon Projects, Tarikh worked as a software developer and designer for numerous New York firms including Frog, Gamelab, Organic and Core77.
Tarikh won a Media Alliance Sound Art Fellowship and has written for Punk Planet, Make Magazine and TechCrunch. He received his Masters from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU (ITP).