About Wave Farm
Radia_"Snow Dance"
Apr 04, 2008: 2pm- 2:30 pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
'Snow Dance'
“Brooklyn’s August Sound Coalition brings audio recordings and experiments celebrating winters past, lamenting their loss, their mayhem and attempting to conjure their precipitate evidence in all its forms. With recordings from Tianna Kennedy and James Blackshaw, Slavoj Zizek, and Tarikh Korula.”
Radia is a network of independent radio stations, including free103point9, who have a common interest in promoting and producing artworks for the radio, and in forming related projects based on broadcasting and cultural exchange. Radia members produce a weekly radio show that is broadcast by each of the member radio stations. The shows represent the local artistic community of each station, whilst at the same time these new works point to an emergent collective notion of self-determined art for radio.
Other stations in network besides free103point9 include Radio Campus (Belgium), Radio Grenouille (France), Kanal 103 (Macedonia), Lemurie TAZ (Czech Republic), Orange 94.0 (Austria), Resonance 104.4-FM (UK), Tilos Radio (Hungary), Radio Zero (Portugal), Radio Panik (Belgium), bootlab (Germany), SounDart Radio (UK), InterSpace (Belgium), and Orf Kunstradio (Austria). http://www.radia.fm/