Tune(In))) The Kitchen (AD026)
Selections from free103point9's Tune(In))) The Kitchen, April 22, 2004 at The Kitchen, New York in conjunction with the city wide festival New Sound, New York. Tracks include entire sets from Peggy Ahwesh + Barbara Ess and Scanner, and excerpts from Ben Owen and Damian Catera, a 31 Down public service announcement with instructions for the event, and an excerpt from a Teach(In))) with high school students the following day.
Tune (In)))s are sound events designed for a virtually silent environment in which listeners experience multiple live performances in individual radio headsets as opposed to amplified sound within a performance space. Audience members encounter other signals on the FM dial as they navigate among the Tune(In))) frequencies thus considering the radio spectrum as a venue in and of itself.
1. 31 Down, "Tune(In))) The Kitchen Information for 1610-AM"
Instructions for attendees of Tune(In))) The Kitchen played in the lobby and before the event.
2. Radio Guitar: Peggy Ahwesh + Barbara Ess, "Thrum (Kitchen Mix)"
3. Ben Owen, "04.22.04 live second set"
Recording from radio within The Kitchen. Edited 07.12.05.
4. Damian Catera, "deComposition Tune (In))) Thurston"
Throughout the night, Catera was sampling and "deComposing" the signals of Tune(In))) participants. In this piece, he manipulated Thurston Moore's guitar performance in real-time adding more disorder to the chaos.
5. Scanner, "ElectroPollution - Entire set at free103point9's Tune(In))) The Kitchen 04.22.04"
Written and performed by Robin Rimbaud. Scannerdot Publishing. Administered by Bug Music.
6. Students from Liberty High School and Humanities Prep School, NYC, "Teach(In))) 04.23.04"
Source material recorded and broadcast with ESL students in The Kitchen. Mono recordings made by Tom Mulligan and Ben Owen, mixed into a stereo document by Ben Owen.