WGXC-90.7 FM

FFFoxy Podcast: Celluloid Lunch

Mar 02, 2024: 10pm - 11:59 pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Standing Wave Radio

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Hosted by David.

On this episode, we dig into the intriguing musical orbit that surrounds Celluloid Lunch: a zine, record label, and small mailorder outlet based in Montreal that shares several overlapping interests with what we cover here on the show, especially things in the more DIY punk and experimental pop veins. Celluloid Lunch is co-run by partners, Joe Chamandy and Hélène Barbier, who are both active musicians in their own right. Joe has played in such bands as the Protruders and Kappa Chow, and more recently plays in the group Feeling Figures and fronts Tha Retail Simps. Hélène has played in the bands Moss Lime and Phern, and in recent years she has been releasing solo work under her given name.

This past week I had a chance to speak with Joe and Hélène, and we discussed the background of the Celluloid Lunch label and zine, the various bands and projects that they have been involved in, the current state of the Montreal music scene, and the upcoming plans that they have in the works. You’ll hear that interview in a few different segments throughout the show, and along with that, you’ll also hear a bunch of music from the Celluloid Lunch catalog, Joe and Hélène’s projects, and other music from out of Montreal. Hope you enjoy this episode. Feel free to get in touch if you have any comments or questions. As always, thanks for looking and listening.

~Introductory Music: YlangYlang “Motion” Interplay (Crash Symbols)
Itchy Self “B What You B” Here’s the Rub (Celluloid Lunch)
Gemstones “Count On Me” Novel of Nothing (Celluloid Lunch)
Night Lunch “Five Lies” Wall of Love (Celluloid Lunch)
The Pink Noise “Smithereens” Economy of Love (Celluloid Lunch)
~Interview segment with Hélène Barbier and Joe Chamandy~
Surveillance “Obvious” Less Than One, More Than Zero (Celluloid Lunch)
Strange Attractor “I Wanna Be You” Good Boy Bad Boy (Celluloid Lunch)
Da Slyme “No Talent” If There’s No Rubble, You Haven’t Played”: Collected Recordings 1977​-​89 (Celluloid Lunch)
The D-Vices “Adequate” b/w “Modern Boy” (Celluloid Lunch)
The American Devices “Games We Never Win” b/w “Interlarding” (Celluloid Lunch)
Rose Mercie “Chais Pas” ¿Kieres Agua? (Celluloid Lunch)
Elle Barbara’s Black Space “D​é​lice Cr​é​ole” D​é​lice Cr​é​ole / Peach Pur​é​e (Celluloid Lunch)
~Interview segment with Hélène Barbier and Joe Chamandy~
Hélène Barbier “Ramblin On” Regulus (Celluloid Lunch)
Moss Lime “I Always Get What I Want” Zoo Du Quebec (Telephone Explosion)
Feeling Figures “Don’t Ever Let Me Know” Migration Magic (K Records)
Protruders “Tax 101” Poison Future (Feel It)
Theee Retail Simps “Easy Street” Live on Cool Street (Total Punk)
~Interview segment with Hélène Barbier and Joe Chamandy~
Quite Ridiculous Nonsense “Appropriate Blocks” A Failure (D.F. 001)
Wondeur Brass “Parano” b/w “Go À Do” (Wondeur Brass)
Panopticon Eyelids “Orgasme M​é​canique” Overwhelming Visions (Carved In Lava Records)
Brave Radar “Silver Touch” Lion Head (Fixture Records)
Faze “Can’t Understand the Feeling” Content (11 PM Records)
Les Jaguars “Guitare Jet” Vol. 2 (Tournesol)
Deja Voodoo “Cheese And Crackers” Too Cool To Live, Too Smart To Die (Midnight Records)
Trafic D’Influence “Give Me The Search Light” Lipsync (Les Étiquettes Réversibles)
Private Lives “Get Loose” Hit Record (Feel It)
Captain Crunch & Let’s Do Lunch “Captain Groovy & His Bubblegum Army” More Baroque Post-Industrial Hillbilly Lounge Music (OG Music)

Monthly subscribable audio show focused on a wide range of underground and experimental music. Hosted by David, the FFF podcast series (or The FFFoxy Podcast) includes regular artist/label interview features, in-studio guests, and live performances. http://www.freeformfreakout.com/

  • Were Were / Ehsan
  • Motion / YlangYlang
  • B What You B / Itchy Self
  • Count on Me / Gemstones
  • Five Lies / Night Lunch
  • Smithereens / The Pink Noise
  • Obvious / Surveillance
  • I Wanna Be You / Strange Attractor
  • No Talent / Da Slyme
  • Chais pas / Rose Mercie
  • Délice Créole / Elle Barbara’s Black Space
  • Rambling On / Hélène Barbier
  • I Always Get What I Want / Moss Lime
  • Don't Ever Let Me Know / Feeling Figures
  • Tax 101 / Protruders
  • Easy Street / Tha Retail Simps
  • Silver Touch / Brave Radar
  • Can't Understand the Feeling / Faze
  • Guitare Jet / Les Jaguars
  • Get Loose / Private Lives