WGXC-90.7 FM

Occupy Wall Street Special

Oct 02, 2011: 10pm - 11pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy Wall Street.. Photo by Kelly Benjamin. (Oct 01, 2011)

WGXC correspondent Kelly Benjamin works from WGXC's Acra studio on a report about the days he spent in Manhattan at the Occupy Wall Street protests, with many interviews and audio from the activities there. Benjamin has been covering the protests for Free Speech Radio News, WGXC, and WMNF (88.5-FM) in Tampa. He is creating an hour-long special for WGXC listeners of what he has recorded. Benjamin has many interviews with protesters explaining the different reasons they are there, as well as sonic explanations of their human, non-electric public address system. He also interviewed Cornell West and others who visited the protests. Send in questions to news@wgxc.org and Benjamin will attempt to answer them on the air.

Or Skype in live on the air at wgxc_acra
Ask Benjamin a question live on the air through Skype.