WGXC-90.7 FM

Miss Othmar's Meetings with Teachers: EP1 Chloe Kernaghan and Stephen Kwok
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm
Organized by Timmy Simonds.
Chloe Kernaghan leads a 30-minute yoga practice for the listener to follow. Its rhythm and cadence are uniquely her own, informed by the Katonah yoga teachings of Nevine Michaan, her time developing and co-running SKY TING yoga and SKY TING TV, and her work as a consultant for other somatic practices. She voices this session seated at a table, speaking into the microphone with her eyes closed. I try my best to follow on the ground beside her.
Stephen Kwok reads a continuous visualization animating the minutiae of everyday phenomena. The text, that he calls Courier new (pawsitive ver.), is a piece that he rewrites in each instance of its live presentation. His new and in-progress version is inspired by yoga facilitation’s use of sequence and breath to intentionally push practitioners beyond their initial limits, approximating the depth of textual detail to the rhythm of inhales, exhales, and poses in a Jivamukti practice.
MISS OTHMAR is teaching over radio. MISS OTHMAR’s Meetings with Teachers is a series that collects the voices of different teachers and facilitators from a variety of fields and their approaches to leading the listener through exercises over radio. https://missothmarschoolforteachers.info
Miss Othmar is the name of that teacher of Charlie Brown’s that’s heard and never seen. Her voice carries no words and transmits no facts. Her professing is an undulating song. Nevertheless C.B. and his classmates seem to follow along.
Chloe Kernaghan is a movement artist, a yoga teacher, and a writer. She shares reflections on the yoga world, culture of wellness and more intimate questions relevant to her own embodied experiences in a newsletter called MOVE WITH. She co-founded and directed SKY TING, a NYC based yoga studio and online platform, from 2015 to 2021. And has since continued to teach classes, consult, lead retreats and trainings. https://chloekernaghan.substack.com/
Stephen Kwok creates situations in which contradictions between a site and the activity within it may emerge. He has exhibited his work at Seoul Museum of Art; Surplus Space, Wuhan; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Center for Performance Research, Brooklyn; Julius Caesar Gallery, Chicago; Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans; and Lawndale Art Center, Houston and has participated in programs at Delfina Foundation in London, the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal, and NEW INC in New York. He lives in Brooklyn, teaches design at Brooklyn College, and serves as the Curator of Public Engagement at Dia Art Foundation. https://www.frieze.com/article/stephen-kwoks-experimentations-social-technologies
Timmy Simonds is an artist interested in the ways we perceive education and our expectations of the teacher cross culturally. He broadcasts regularly with Montez Press Radio and Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM.