WGXC-90.7 FM

Background Briefing: Scott Horton, Sasha Abramsky, Astra Taylor
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Ian Masters.
Scott Horton about Apart From Helping Putin, Why is Cutting Aid to Ukraine the Top Priority of Trump and a Handful of Republicans in Congress? | Sasha Abramsky on The Urgency to Replace Senator Feinstein as Governor Newsom Backtracks | and Astra Taylor on Her New Book The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart.
A radio program featuring international and national news, expert guests, policy makers, and critics with analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, and social issues. A production of The Full Disclosure Media Foundation (fdmedia.org). Show often begins after the "Better Weather," and last until just after 7 a.m. backgroundbriefing.org
- Forever Young / Alphaville
- Subterranean Homesick Blues / Bob Dylan