WGXC-90.7 FM
Open Air: Open Air: 20130105
Jan 05, 2013: 8am - 10am
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
344 Main St. | Catskill, NY 12414 | (518) 719-8244
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by free103point9 Transmission Artists.
Live from the Catskill Community Center. Host Matt Bua will take calls and suggestions, and accepts walk-in guests live at the Catskill Community Center. Literally "open air"waves for you to take part in. Also weather radio, solar weather, the WGXC Ski Report, and more. Feel free to call in 518-291-WGXC. Tweet song requests @WGXC.