WGXC-90.7 FM
Music for the Masses: New Releases January/February 2020
Feb 09, 2020: 1pm - 3pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Neva E. Wartell.
What's happening in the world of music? Join us for a first listen to some notable recent releases – albums, singles, compilations, and re-issues of archival gems. Featuring new music by Mira Awad (Israel), Frank Yamma (Australia), John Moreland (USA), Custódio Castelo (Portugal), Rodrigo y Gabriela (Mexico), MandolinMan (Belgium), Baluji Shrivastav (India), and Sunny Jain (USA); two new collaborations from Sangit (Israel/Int'l); and re-releases of classics by Banda Black Rio (Brazil), Galaxy and Edouard Benoit (Guadeloupe), Sum Alvarinho and Pedro Lima y Conjunto Os Leonenses (São Tomé & Principé), and Gouye-Gui de Dakar (Senegal).
Music for the Masses invites you on an excursion of sound and rhythm. Discover the music of established and emerging artists, both signed and unsigned, on the international music scene. Expect the unexpected. You might want to pack a map and a sandwich. For the avid globe-hopper and armchair traveler alike. Broadcast live from the Hudson studio.