WGXC-90.7 FM

Saturday Morning Serial: D.I.Y. Church's The German Voice of David Hasselhoff presents the official reunification afterparty (2015_JumpstyleMix)
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.
5662 Route 23 | Acra, NY 12405 | 518-622-2598
Produced by Various.
Rebroadcast of performance from D.I.Y. Church. at Wave Farm.
Writes D.I.Y. Church, "The 3rd of October is the 276th day of the year (277th in leap years) according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 89 days remaining until the end of the year.
The same day is also an official holiday In Germany - the day of the German reunification - or to put it a bit more precisely, that day was set to be the end of the unification process in 1990, so it’s officially called German Unity Day (German: Tag der deutschen Einheit). When two become one... that same year, David was singing for all of us, lifted high above the ground inside a bucket, and helped a lot to make that wall break. I was 6 years old and we did not have a TV (1. because it was not so easy to get hold of one and 2. it was bad for you when you are a kid-- at least in the former GDR/ East) so we went to our grandparents, or friends of their friends to watch the reunification on TV. Great party! I don’t remember much--people were screaming, getting drunk and eventually they cried too - then after the summer of 1990, I started school in the new Germany.
A few years later, I began to ask myself how it was possible to change the system and everyone's mindsets so quick; some teachers would mysteriously disappear after a few years for unknown reasons, and I think that's when I started to wonder... often they were "ill" all of a sudden or "went on holiday" and then didn't come back to school anymore.
It was most of the time a confusing and funny thing for me-- first, I didn t like most of them to begin with, second, it meant the whole curriculum would become messed up, so we had more free time from cancelled classes and thirdly, it ensured that I would never really take the concept of school too seriously.
It was a peaceful revolution, a cultural, economic and operation system melt-down, and a birth at the same time - a long techno party for Berlin, the East transforming into a region of technology parks and ghost towns, a lot of broken relationships as well as new patchwork families and a chancellor we had to vote for again and again because he brought us together :)
Now, its 2015 - 25 years later, after the launch of the € and the rise of the Internet-human and global capitalism, it feels conservative to think of borders and countries of east and west. Still, I can’t help doing so, even if all the Germans look the same for me now (and their cars too). It’s not so much about the economic differences… meanwhile, even Angela Merkel still proclaims "The process of German unity has not ended yet”-- it's called the inner reunification, if I remember right-- thats what I mean! “If I remember right…" This broadcast will be a blurred recap of the German Voice of David Hasselhoff remembering its version of the 3rd of October, the peaceful revolution and the inner reunification of a man of the world looking for Freedom.