WGXC-90.7 FM

Durational Broadcast: Reveil 2020
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm
Wave Farm is pleased to co-present SoundCamp's seventh iteration of Reveil May 2-3, 2020. Broadcast live on Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM, Reveil is a live 24-hour broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, relayed by audio streamers around the world. Reveil begins at midnight Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. in London time, UTC+1, where the broadcast first originates) and travels West just ahead of sunrise on a wave of live sounds relayed by streamers around the world. Reveil passes from urban rooftops to deep ocean hydrophones to remote forests in a 24-hour audit of the earth on International Dawn Chorus Day. View the Reveil Schedule at http://streams.soundtent.org/2020/streams.
Soundcamp /\ Reveil 7
The 7th Reveil broadcast will run from 5AM London time UTC+1 on the 2nd of May until 6AM on the 3rd, over the weekend of International Dawn Chorus Day.
Soundcamp invite you to listen and contribute to this live, crowd sourced survey of planetary daybreak soundscapes lasting one earth day. http://soundtent.org/streaming_recipes.html
Reveil brings together microphones from open windows, rooftops, gardens, forests, underwater and electromagnetic sites. The broadcast shares sounds, ecologies and atmospheres as part of an emerging Acoustic Commons. Reveil2020 is mixed live from London, UK (Soundcamp, Grant Smith), South River, ON (NAISA, Darren Copeland), Sunshine Coast, Australia (Leah Barclay, Biosphere Soundscapes) and Crete, GR (Maria Papadomanolaki, Soundcamp).
Partner organizations include Wave Farm (NY, US), Full Of Noises (Cumbria UK) • Locus Sonus (Aix FR) Radio CONA (Ljubljana SLO) • HMU (Crete GR) • Cyberforest (Tokyo JP)
For more information, and access to new online commissions as part of an expanded radio platform visit: soundtent.org/reveil/
#acousticommons #Reveil2020 The Acoustic Commons is a small cooperation project funded in part by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union Read more at http://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html.