WGXC-90.7 FM

CounterSpin: Jules Boykoff, Sam Pizzigati

Jul 28, 2012: 6pm - 6:30 pm
free103point9 Online Radio

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This week on CounterSpin: Many see the Olympic Games as a glimpse of international spirit in a fractious world. Why would anyone protest such an event? Thousands of Londoners are doing just that; the reasons have to do with aspects of the Games that corporate media, replete with tie-ins and coverage deals, aren’t keen to spotlight, or even report. We’ll hear from Jules Boykoff, associate professor of political science at Pacific University and author of the forthcoming Activism and the Olympics: Dissent at the Games in Vancouver and London. Also on the show: A new study about a different kind of outsourcing indicates that the current record inequality we are experiencing, may be much worse than reported. According to the Tax Justice Network, $21 trillion in wealth--that's trillion with a "t"--is being held offshore. What does this mean, and how are the media covering it? We'll talk to Sam Pizzigati, the editor of Too Much, an online outlet covering excess and inequality for the Institute for Policy Studies.