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Stewart's expansion dependent on city zoning law changes
Aug 17, 2018 7:15 am
Amanda Purcell is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media a local law to alter Hudson's zoning regulations would lay the groundwork to allow Stewart’s Shop on Fairview Avenue to expand, pending a review by the planning board. Stewart’s has proposed expanding the store by more than 1,300 square feet, improving pedestrian walkways and modernizing the structure’s outward appearance. But because the Stewart’s lot is a commercial property located in a residential district, the store cannot alter its current site plan. The proposed zoning changes began under the previous Common Council. Under the latest version, nonconforming properties would be allowed to renovate, replace or expand, under certain conditions, within the residential district. However, the proposed changes hit a snag at the planning board's August 9 meeting. “There is a lot of confusion about what is being proposed,” Planning Board Chairman Walter Chatham said. “We just want to understand what is being proposed, if we are asked to give a serious opinion on it.” An alderman representing the full council, and the city attorney are scheduled to attend the next planning board meeting on September 13, to explain the purpose of the new law, Chatham said. “We’re open to it — we just don’t understand it,” he said. “The Common Council thinks it is a good idea, so it obviously that adds a great weight to it.” After clearing the planning board, the council expects to vote on the measure at its September 18 meeting. Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.