WGXC-90.7 FM
Pulling profit from the Catskills experience
Feb 06, 2011 9:39 am
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="The Catskills, as seen in a Living Pictures' T-shirt image."][/caption]They loom over our western horizon, our Catskills. They draw us for skiing and endless wilderness adventures. They have provided inspiration to the creative among us for centuries. Now, they will be looked at, in an upcoming February 18 day-long workshop session being put on by the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development at Jay Ungar and Molly Mason's Ashokan Center in Olive, just off Route 28 in Ulster County, as a potential economic boon for the wider region. A story about that afternoon session on Feb. 18, starting at 1:30 p.m., is on the front of the Feb. 6 issue of The Daily Mail, outlining how "the economic benefits of having open space and parkland are always mentioned when the interests of municipalities, developers and environmentalists coincide in anything from a review at a planning board meeting to a community visioning workshop held to focus on the future." The presentation -- “Economic Benefits of Parkland,” is being planned in conjunction with Catskill Mountainkeeper and the Catskill Heritage Alliance, with the three groups acting together in partnership as Catskill Cornucopia. Among key topics will be “Adirondack Park Regional Assessment Plan: An Appraisal,” and a “Study of the Economic Impact on the Local Economy of Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Mohonk Preserve, and Sam’s Point Preserve.” For more information on the presentation, visit www.catskillcenter.org, or call (845)586-2611.