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RCS voters green light $15M capital project
Melanie Lekocevic is reporting for Capital Region Independent Media voters in the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk school district January 9 approved a $15 million capital project on a vote of 166 to 128. The price tag will cover the cost of renovations at all four district schools, at the district’s transportation building and at the district’s warehouse. “We want to take a moment to say thank you to the residents of our community for supporting these needed improvements,” Superintendent Brian Bailey said. “This project will allow us to keep growing as a district, for not only our students and their future, but for our staff and community as well. We can’t wait to get started on this important work for our RCS community.” Project specifics include reconstruction of the parking lot at the high school and middle school campus, new outdoor lighting, ventilators, skylights, exterior masonry work and other structural and safety upgrades throughout. The driveway and parking lots at the elementary schools will also undergo work. The project will be financed using funds from the district's capital reserves, and from a 15-year bond. State aid will reimburse RCS for 72.1 percent of the cost of the project. Property owners will see an increase of 5 cents for every $1,000 of the assessed value of their property, or a $5 tax hike for a home assessed at $100,000, and $10 a year for a home assessed at $200,000, according to the district. Having secured voter approval, the final construction plans will now be submitted to the State Education Department, with authorization anticipated by the spring or summer of 2024. Construction would then begin in the spring of 2025, and the project completed in the summer of 2026. Read the full story at TheUpStater [dot] com.